Saturday, July 10, 2010

Peppercorn Burgers

I was going to make turkey burgers today but I decided to make some Peppercorn Burgers because I wanted to tell you about panade.

Panada is Italian (I think) and it is basically a thick batter made of bread and milk that holds your burger together when you pat it out and cook it. I think it's awesome and I can't believe more people don't know about it!

2 slices of thick white bread
1/3 cup of milk
1 tablespoon of peppercorn garlic seasoning
1 onion
1 pound hamburger meat
4 onion rolls - I think its worth an extra dollar or two to get good buns from the grocery store bakery.
Other garnishes of your choice (tomato, lettuce, steak sauce, cheese, onion rings, bacon, etc.)

To make my panade I take 2 pieces of thick white bread and remove the crust. I break it up into small pieces and put in a mixing bowl. I add the milk and seasoning and mix until it forms a thick paste. I then add the hamburger meat and mix it all together.

When patting the burgers out you will be able to tell how much better they hold up. The panade doesn't dry the burgers out at all and if you don't like peppercorn you can add any other seasoning that appeals to you. Another variation is to add some BBQ sauce, it will give your burgers a smokey flavor.
Then pat out 4 big burgers and take into consideration that they will shrink! I make mine about an inch thick and 4 inches wide. On a grill they should cook 3-4 minutes on each side or 6-8 minutes on the Foreman grill.

I cut an onion into thick pieces to put on the burgers and brush them with olive oil. I put the onion slices on the grill for 3-4 minutes along with the burger buns so they get toasty.

Good Luck!

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